Title: Shen Qing De Yi Ju (Canto) Artiste: Andy Lau
I saw this movie on my friends bike, cool huh? see movie on bike lol... he ZK lai de, zhng king... advancing soon to my class 2a license real soon, and that bike andy lau is riding, PGM4, might juz be the next bike i am getting... looks so cool and all...
Very Sorry for not posting anything for so long, its been quite busy for me... lots of things happened, finished alot of my BMT, grenade course, live range, BAC, BIC, BC, and alot more... really shagged from my field camp... now is block leave for me, gonna enjoy it... going to thailand on tuesday, 1st May... nothing much more to update tho... most of it is army stuff and that would definitely bore some of you... would really hope that i can get my vocation after POP at PLAB (Paya Lebar Air Base) as a technician or something, driver or medic also can... as long as not combat vocation... really doubt i will get in to combat vocations as my BMI is above 31 and thats where i maintain my weight, i can go down lower but not during BMT haha as that will let me siam from combat units... nothing much more le bah haha till then you guys and girls stay safe and healthy... PEACE