Title Shou Fang Kai
Artste Lee Sheng Jie
Hi everyone back to blog abit =D.. well juz had an accident yesterday at around mandai area and really lucky no cars are behind me at that time, if not i am not here anymore. something happened like in the above MV but i rolled a few metres away from my bike. Ok it was abit wet on the ground and yea theres a manhole thingy in the centre of my lane and its made of metal so u can expct it to be very slippery when its wet. I was travelling at a low speed of around 40kmph and when i bank right to take the corner, my front wheel slipped off the surface and i was ejected out of my bike and my bike just slide off and my whole wind shield is broken. headlight is damaged and also my front mud guard and signal light. it was lucky that i suffered no serious injuries except for slight abrasions. I really must thank god that i am safe and NO cars at that time, if not i will be rolled over and became two parts T_T. On the same day, my granny had a fall in the toilet and injured her left leg around the pelvis and she cannot walk now so my parents took her to the hospital to have an x ray scan while i am blogging now. I cannot go with them because i have to cook for my siblings and parents and doing some houseworks. Well yesterday is not very smooth sailing for me. So I would like to stress again and again be careful on the roads be it you are riding, driving or even walking and crossing the roads. Be safe and PEACE
Title Hips Don't Lie
Artiste Shakira
Marvin Chow Weng Chuin
Born On 17 Oct 86
~ Loves ~My Family
The Special You
My Friends
World Peace
~ Loathes ~Laggers
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